«CON MOTIVACIÓN TODO ES POSIBLE». Zaragoza, 8 de febrero 2014.

AECOP. «Coaching y Liderazgo». Madrid, 30 enero 2014
22 enero, 2014
AEDE. 18 de febrero 2014. Lima, PERÚ.
9 febrero, 2014
AECOP. «Coaching y Liderazgo». Madrid, 30 enero 2014
22 enero, 2014
AEDE. 18 de febrero 2014. Lima, PERÚ.
9 febrero, 2014

Africa. No other continent comes close to it for scale, variety and pure, raw impact. Africa offers a travel experience a hundreds of miles from the well-backpacked, air-conditioned tourist trails of Southeast Asia or the cash-cow adventure parks of USA or Australia. But Gambia is easy to miss on a map of mighty Africa. This tiny sliver of land is a mere 50km wide and 500km long, and, with the exception of an 80km shoreline, it’s entirely enveloped by the much more talked about and supposedly 'colourful' Senegal. But, since when has a 'real experience' been about following the crowd along their 'beaten track' Those that do make it to Gambia often come home with fantastic tales from the depths of the River Gambia or one of the countries superb national parks. From the first rays of sunlight, visitors will boast about the symphony of baboon barks, bird calls and the playful shrieks of the endless chimps but personally, I think the real 'heart of Gambia' lies in the country's vibrant culture and the incredibly warm and open locals. Yes of course there is the chance to laze and linger in anything from a luxurious beach resort to a deserted bay just outside a bustling fishing village but if you're in search of atmosphere and memories of thought provoking encounters, then ploit where you come from for a minute and let the friendly youth of Gambia show you there lives, their homes and their hearts. Being a relatively poor Western African country, Gambia is not without its social & environmental issues. Political instability & corruption, poverty and severe littering are all common problems throughout the country but after an afternoon spent in one of the many dusty seaside villages, one learns that the Gambians are far prouder of their colourful identity and their passion for football, music and art and if you take the chance to open your eyes and explore a little, you are soon rewarded with entertaining football scraps, inspiring art galleries and hundreds of smiling


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José María Gasalla
José María Gasalla
Conferenciante, escritor y Profesor de Deusto Business School. Ingeniero Aeronáutico, Doctor en C. Enonómicas y Empresariales. Diploma de Estudios avanzados en Psicología Social. Línea de investigacion “Confianza y Compromiso”, Presidente del grupo “Desarrollo Organizacional” y “Talentum”. Co-director del Máster de Coaching Ejecutivo en DEUSTO Business School. Evaluador del proceso de acreditación de Coach profesionales, senior y ejecutivos de AECOP (Asociación Española de Coaching).

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